Lucas' reagent is a solution of zinc chloride in concentrated hydrochloric acid, used to classify alcohols of low molecular weight. The reaction is a substitution in which the chlorine replaces the hydroxyl group. Even though this reaction is normally very unfavorable, the zinc ion complexes with the hydroxyl group (by accepting a lone electron pair from O of -OH), making it a better leaving group. The remaining carbocation then combines with the chloride ion to form a chloroalkane.
Lucas test
Lucas test in alcohols is a test to differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. It is based on the difference in reactivity of the three classes of alcohols with hydrogen halides.
When Lucas' reagent (ZnCl2 in concentrated HCl solution) is added to the alcohol, H+ from HCl will protonate the -OH group of alcohol, so that the leaving group H2O, being a much weaker nucleophile than OH-, can be substituted by nucleophile Cl-. Lucas' reagent offers a polar medium in which SN1 mechanism is favored. In unimolecular nucleophilic substitution, the reaction rate is faster when the carbocation intermediate is more stabilized by greater number of electron donating alkyl group (R-) bonded to the positively charged carbon atom. Tertiary alcohols react immediately with Lucas reagent to produce turbidity while secondary alcohols do so in five minutes. Primary alcohols do not react appreciably with Lucas reagent at room temperature.
The reagent dissolves the alcohol, removing the OH group, forming a carbocation. The speed of this reaction is proportional to the energy required to form the carbocation, so tertiary, benzylic, and allylic carbocations react quickly, while smaller, less substituted, alcohols react more slowly. The cloudiness observed is caused by the carbocation immediately reacting with the chloride ion creating an insoluble chloroalkane.
Hence, the time taken for turbidity to appear is a measure of the reactivity of the class of alcohol with Lucas reagent, and this is used to differentiate between the three classes of alcohols:
no visible reaction: primary, such as normal amyl alcohol (1-Pentanol)
solution turns cloudy in 3-5 minutes: secondary, such as sec-amyl alcohol (2-Pentanol)
solution turns cloudy immediately, and/or phases separate: tertiary, such as tert-amyl alcohol (2-Methyl-2-butanol)
The test is usually conducted at room temperature.
Lucas Test for Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols
ProceduresTo 0.2 mL or 0.2 g of the unknown in a test tube add 2 mL of the Lucas reagent at room temperature. Stopper the tube and shake vigorously, then allow the mixture to stand. Note the time required for the formation of the alkyl chloride, which appears as an insoluble layer or emulsion.The Lucas reagent is already prepared for you.
Positive testAppearance of a cloudy second layer or emulsion
3o alcohols: immediate to 2-3 minutes
2o alcohols: 5 -10 minutes
1o alcohols: no reaction
The test applies only to those alcohols soluble in the reagent (monofunctional alcohols lower than hexyl and some polyfunctional alcohols.) This often means that alcohols with more than six carbon atoms cannot be tested.
Cleaning up
place all solutions in the appropriate waste container.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Zinc Chloride
Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification
MSDS Name: Zinc Chloride Catalog Numbers: S80247, S80247-1, S802471, T393500, Z0115, Z0125, Z2, Z31 3, Z31-3, Z313, Z32-12, Z32-212, Z32-500, Z3212, Z32212, Z3250, Z33 100, Z33 3, Z33 500, Z33 500 001, Z33-100, Z33-3, Z33-500, Z33100, Z333, Z33500, Z33500 001, Z33500001, Z3412, Z34212 Synonyms: Zinc Butter, Zinc Dichloride Company Identification: Fisher Scientific 1 Reagent Lane Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 For information, call: 201-796-7100 Emergency Number: 201-796-7100 For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300 For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887
Section 2 - Composition, Information on Ingredients
Chemical Name
Zinc chloride
231-592-0Hazard Symbols: C N Risk Phrases: 34 50/53
Section 3 - Hazards Identification
Appearance: white. Danger! Corrosive. Contact with skin causes irritation and possible burns, especially if the skin is wet or moist. Harmful if swallowed. May cause reproductive and fetal effects. Inhalation of fumes may cause metal-fume fever. May cause severe respiratory and digestive tract irritation with possible burns. Toxic. Causes severe eye irritation and possible injury. Target Organs: Kidneys, pancreas. Potential Health Effects Eye: May cause irreversible eye injury. Contact with eyes may cause severe irritation, and possible eye burns. Skin: Contact with skin causes irritation and possible burns, especially if the skin is wet or moist. Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. Causes severe digestive tract burns with abdominal pain, vomiting, and possible death. May cause corrosion and permanent tissue destruction of the esophagus and digestive tract. In the Pancreas, may cause elevated glucose and amylase levels while d epressing the calcium level. Inhalation: May cause cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin due to deficient oxygenation of the blood). May cause severe irritation of the respiratory tract with sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath and delayed lung edema. Inhalation of fumes may cause metal fume fever, which is characterized by flu-like symptoms with metallic taste, fever, chills, cough, weakness, chest pain, muscle pain and increased white blood cell count. Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and dermatitis. May cause reproductive and fetal effects.
Section 4 - First Aid Measures
Eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid immediately. Do NOT allow victim to rub or keep eyes closed. Skin: Get medical aid immediately. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Destroy contaminated shoes. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately. Inhalation: Get medical aid immediately. Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Do NOT use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Notes to Physician: Effects may be delayed. Administration of Calcium Disodium EDTA may be useful in acute poisoning with its use at the discretion of qualified medical personnel.
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
General Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Substance is noncombustible. Containers may explode in the heat of a fire. Vapors may be heavier than air. They can spread along the ground and collect in low or confined areas. Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas. Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing media most appropriate for the surrounding fire. Do NOT get water inside containers. For small fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or water spray. For large fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, alcohol-resistant foam, or water spray. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out.
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spills/Leaks: Avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Sweep up or absorb material, then place into a suitable clean, dry, closed container for disposal. Avoid generating dusty conditions. Remove all sources of ignition. Do not get water inside containers.
Section 7 - Handling and Storage
Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not ingest or inhale. Discard contaminated shoes. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from water. Corrosives area. Do not store in metal containers. Keep containers tightly closed.
Section 8 - Exposure Controls, Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Use adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to keep airborne concentrations below the permissible exposure limits. Exposure Limits
Chemical Name
OSHA - Final PELs
Zinc chloride
1 mg/m3 TWA; 2 mg/m3 STEL
1 mg/m3 TWA 50 mg/m3 IDLH
1 mg/m3 TWA (fume)OSHA Vacated PELs: Zinc chloride: 1 mg/m3 TWA; 2 mg/m3 STEL Personal Protective Equipment Eyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. Wear an impervious apron. Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR §1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use.
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State: Solid Appearance: white Odor: none reported pH: Not available. Vapor Pressure: .00128 atm @ 42 Vapor Density: 4.7 Evaporation Rate:Not applicable. Viscosity: Not applicable. Boiling Point: 732 deg C Freezing/Melting Point:293 deg C Autoignition Temperature: Not applicable. Flash Point: Not applicable. Decomposition Temperature:Not available. NFPA Rating: (estimated) Health: 3; Flammability: 0; Reactivity: 0 Explosion Limits, Lower:Not available. Upper: Not available. Solubility: Soluble in water. Specific Gravity/Density:2.91 Molecular Formula:ZnCl2 Molecular Weight:136.286
Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity
Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, moisture, metals, excess heat. Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, moisture, cyanides, sulfides, potassium. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen chloride, chlorine, irritating and toxic fumes and gases, toxic fumes of zinc oxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11 - Toxicological Information
RTECS#: CAS# 7646-85-7: ZH1400000 LD50/LC50:CAS# 7646-85-7:Oral, mouse: LD50 = 329 mg/kg;Oral, rat: LD50 = 350 mg/kg; Carcinogenicity:CAS# 7646-85-7: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA. Epidemiology: No information available. Teratogenicity: Zinc oxide has been observed to cause morphological transformation in hamster embryos. It has also been observed to cause stunted growth and other developmental abnormalities. Reproductive Effects: Has been observed to cause paternal reproductive effects in rats. Neurotoxicity: No information available. Mutagenicity: There is evidence that zinc chloride is a mutagen in humans. Other Studies: No data available.
Section 12 - Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: No data available. No information available. Environmental: No information available. Physical: No information available. Other: May be toxic to aquatic organisms; May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Section 13 - Disposal Considerations
Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed. RCRA U-Series: None listed.
Section 14 - Transport Information
Canada TDG
Shipping Name:
Hazard Class:
UN Number:
Packing Group:
Section 15 - Regulatory Information
US FEDERALTSCA CAS# 7646-85-7 is listed on the TSCA inventory. Health & Safety Reporting ListNone of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List. Chemical Test RulesNone of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule. Section 12bNone of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b. TSCA Significant New Use RuleNone of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA. SARASection 302 (RQ)CAS# 7646-85-7: final RQ = 1000 pounds (454 kg) Section 302 (TPQ)None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ. SARA CodesCAS # 7646-85-7: acute. Section 313This material contains Zinc chloride (listed as ** undefined **), 100%, (CAS# 7646-85-7) which is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARA Title III and 40 CFR Part 373. Clean Air Act:This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants. This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors. Clean Water Act:CAS# 7646-85-7 is listed as a Hazardous Substance under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA. OSHA:None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATECAS# 7646-85-7 can be found on the following state right to know lists: California, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Massachusetts. California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/International RegulationsEuropean Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesHazard Symbols:C N Risk Phrases:R 34 Causes burns. R 50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Safety Phrases:S 28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with... S 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). S 7/8 Keep container tightly closed and dry. S 60 This material and/or its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. S 61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets. WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 7646-85-7: 1 CanadaCAS# 7646-85-7 is listed on Canada's DSL List. CAS# 7646-85-7 is listed on Canada's DSL List. This product has a WHMIS classification of D1B, E. CAS# 7646-85-7 is listed on Canada's Ingredient Disclosure List. Exposure LimitsCAS# 7646-85-7: OEL-ARAB Republic of Egypt:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-AUSTRALIA:TWA 1 mg/m3;STEL 2 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-BELGIUM:TWA 1 mg/m3;STEL2 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-DENMARK:TWA 0.5 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-FINLAND:TWA 1 m g/m3 (fume) OEL-FRANCE:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-THE NETHERLANDS:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-THE PHILIPPINES:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-SWEDEN:TWA 1mg/m3 (fume) OEL-SWITZERLAND:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-THAILAND:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-TURKEY:TWA 1 mg/m3 (fume) OEL-UNITED KINGDOM:TWA 1 mg/m3;STEL 2 mg/m3 (fume OEL IN BULGARIA, COLOMBIA, JORDAN, KOREA check ACGIH TLV OEL IN NEW ZEALAND, SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGI TLV
Section 16 - Additional Information
MSDS Creation Date: 2/19/1998 Revision #3 Date: 10/06/2000 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
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