The test involves heating the sample strongly with clean sodium metal, "fusing" it with the sample. The "fused" sample is plunged into water, and the usual qualitative tests are performed on the resultant solution for the respective possible constituents.
When an organic compound is heated strongly with sodium, any halogens, nitrogen, and sulfur will be converted into inorganic sodium salts such as sodium halide (for halides), sodium cyanide (for nitrogen), sodium sulfide (for sulfur), and sodium thiocyanate (for sulfur and nitrogen).
Details of the reaction
If a small piece of sodium is dropped into some ethanol, it reacts steadily to give off bubbles of hydrogen gas and leaves a colourless solution of sodium ethoxide, CH3CH2ONa. Sodium ethoxide is known as an alkoxide.
If the solution is evaporated carefully to dryness, the sodium ethoxide is left as a white solid.
Although at first sight you might think this was something new and complicated, in fact it is exactly the same (apart from being a more gentle reaction) as the reaction between sodium and water - something you have probably known about for years.
Compare the two:
We normally, of course, write the sodium hydroxide formed as NaOH rather than HONa - but that's the only difference.
Sodium ethoxide is just like sodium hydroxide, except that the hydrogen has been replaced by an ethyl group. Sodium hydroxide contains OH- ions; sodium ethoxide contains CH3CH2O- ions.
Note: The reason that the ethoxide formula is written with the oxygen on the right unlike the hydroxide ion is simply a matter of clarity. If you write it the other way around, it doesn't immediately look as if it comes from ethanol. You will find the same thing happens when you write formulae for organic salts like sodium ethanoate.
Using the reaction
To dispose of small amounts of sodium safely
If you spill some sodium on the bench, or have a small amount left over from a reaction, you can't just chuck it in the sink. It tends to react explosively with the water - and comes flying back out at you again!
It reacts much more gently with ethanol. Ethanol is therefore used to dissolve small quantities of waste sodium. The solution formed can be washed away without problems (provided you remember that sodium ethoxide is strongly alkaline - see below).
To test for the -OH group in alcohols
Because of the dangers involved in handling sodium, this is not the best test for an alcohol at this level. Because sodium reacts violently with acids to produce a salt and hydrogen, you would first have to be sure that the liquid you were testing was neutral.
You would also have to be confident that there was no trace of water present because sodium reacts with the -OH group in water even better than with the one in an alcohol.
With those provisos, if you add a tiny piece of sodium to a neutral liquid free of water and get bubbles of hydrogen produced, then the liquid is an alcohol.
Some simple reactions of alkoxide ions
This is going beyond the demands of UK A level, but you might come across the first example as a part of a bit of practical work. The second example is to reinforce the similarity between sodium ethoxide and sodium hydroxide.
Once again we will take the ethoxide ions in sodium ethoxide as typical. Essentially, ethoxide (and other alkoxide) ions behave like hydroxide ions.
Ethoxide ions are strongly basic
If you add water to sodium ethoxide, it dissolves to give a colourless solution with a high pH - typically pH 14. The solution is strongly alkaline.
The reason is that the ethoxide ions remove hydrogen ions from water molecules to produce hydroxide ions. It is these which produce the high pH.
Ethoxide ions are good nucleophiles
A nucleophile is something which carries a negative or partial negative charge which it uses to attack positive centres in other molecules or ions.
Hydroxide ions are good nucleophiles, and you may have come across the reaction between a halogenoalkane (also called a haloalkane or alkyl halide) and sodium hydroxide solution. The hydroxide ions replace the halogen atom.
In this case, an alcohol is formed.
Note: You will find the mechanism for this reaction in the mechanism section of this site.
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The ethoxide ion behaves in exactly the same way. If you knew the mechanism for the hydroxide ion reaction you could work out exactly what happens in the reaction between a halogenoalkane and ethoxide ion.
Compare this equation with the last one.
The only difference is that where there was a hydrogen atom at the right-hand end of the product molecule, you now have an alkyl group.
Two alkyl (or other hydrocarbon) groups bridged by an oxygen atom is called an ether. This particular one is 1-ethoxypropane or ethyl propyl ether. This reaction is a good way of making ethers in the lab.
Note: There are all sorts of ways of naming ethers. For UK A level purposes, the problem doesn't arise - you almost certainly won't have to name them.
If you have looked at the chemistry of halogenoalkanes, you may be aware that there is a competition between substitution and elimination when they react with hydroxide ions. Exactly the same competition occurs in their reactions with ethoxide ions. Just as the hydroxide ion can act as either a base or a nucleophile, exactly the same is true of alkoxide ions like the ethoxide ion.
You could read about the reactions of halogenoalkanes with hydroxide ions and work out for yourself what is going to happen in the possible elimination reaction if you used sodium ethoxide rather than sodium hydroxide. Because this is getting well beyond UK A level, I haven't given any detail for this anywhere on the site. The whole point about understanding chemistry (and especially mechanisms!) is that you can work things out for yourself when you need to!
Synonyms: natrium Molecular formula: Na CAS No: 7440-23-5 EINECS No: 231-132-9 Annex I Index No: 011-001-00-0
Physical data
Appearance: light, soft silver metal, readily tarnishing in air. Usually stored under oil. Melting point: 98 C Boiling point: 881 C Vapour density: Vapour pressure: Density (g cm-3): 0.97 Flash point: 43 C (closed cup) Explosion limits: Autoignition temperature: Water solubility:
Reacts violently with water, liberating and possibly igniting hydrogen. Flammable solid. Incompatible with water, strong oxidizing agents. Do not store near oxidants. Store under oil, or dry inert gas. Air sensitive.
Causes burns on contact. May cause serious damage to the eyes. Harmful by ingestion, inhalation and skin contact.
Toxicity data (The meaning of any toxicological abbreviations which appear in this section is given here.) IPR-MUS LD50 4000 mg kg-1
Risk phrases (The meaning of any risk phrases which appear in this section is given here.) R14 R15 R20 R21 R22 R34 R41.
Transport information
(The meaning of any UN hazard codes which appear in this section is given here.) Un No 1428. Hazard class 4.3. Packing group I.
Personal protection
Safety glasses. Protect from air and water. Do not use water extinguishers on sodium fires!
Safety phrases (The meaning of any safety phrases which appear in this section is given here.) S8 S43 S45.
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